Chin Augmentation

Chin Augmentation

Chin augmentation, also known as mentoplasty, is a transformative surgical procedure designed to enhance the prominence and contour of the chin. At Aestique Plastic Surgery in Warrendale, PA, we understand that a well-defined chin can significantly influence the overall symmetry and balance of the face. The procedure involves the precise placement of a chin implant, typically solid silicone, to accentuate a chin that may appear less pronounced. This augmentation not only adds definition to the jaw but also harmonizes the nose's appearance, especially when combined with procedures like rhinoplasty or when complemented with dermal fillers in the cheek area.

For those unsatisfied with their chin's alignment, chin augmentation by Dr. Lazzaro offers a tailored solution. The hour-long procedure under sedation selects the best implant size for natural results. Recovery is quick, with minimal bruising. Enhance your confidence by booking at Aestique Plastic Surgery.

Benefits of Chin Augmentation:

  • Enhances facial symmetry.
  • Provides a more pronounced and defined chin.
  • Balances the appearance of the nose.
  • Boosts self-esteem and confidence.
  • Offers a more permanent solution compared to dermal fillers.
  • Combining this surgery with others can produce comprehensive results.
  • Customizable to fit individual aesthetic goals.
  • Minimal downtime and swift recovery.
  • Performed by experienced and qualified plastic surgeons.
  • Results in a natural-looking jawline.


Ideal candidates for chin augmentation are healthy individuals with concerns about their chin shape or prominent nose, and those who’ve previously benefited from dermal fillers may find implants a more permanent solution.
While some immediate changes are noticeable, the final results may take several weeks to become fully apparent due to post-surgical swelling.
Chin augmentation provides long-lasting results. The implant is permanent, but the overall appearance may change slightly with natural aging.
Post-surgery, patients might experience some discomfort, swelling, and minimal bruising. These effects, however, are temporary and usually subside within a week.
Before the procedure, consult Dr. Lazzaro about your expectations and medications; after surgery, adhere to care guidelines, including wearing bandages and limiting strenuous activities.
During the hour-long procedure, Dr. Lazzaro places a silicone implant near the chin, selecting the best size, with incisions made discreetly under the chin or inside the mouth.

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