

At Aestique® Plastic Surgical Associates, we offer a full range of cosmetic procedures for the face, breast, and body. Procedures are performed by the highly experienced Dr. Lazzaro at the private, quiet facility in Greensburg, Aestique Surgical Center

Aestique Surgical Center is a free-standing surgical facility in Greensburg which is contained within our privately owned medical building and offices. It is fully accredited by the American Association for the Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities (AAAASF), one of only three recognized accrediting organizations. There are two fully equipped operating rooms and a recovery room with every capability for virtually any type of cosmetic surgical procedure. Modern equipment and anesthesia provided by an excellent group of anesthesia personnel , have helped to make our facility one of the safest in Pennsylvania.

Another aspect of our facility is its privacy. We are accustomed to dealing with our patients’ privacy and we respect it. Confidentiality is oftentimes paramount to overall patient satisfaction. Recognizing that every patient’s aesthetic needs and desires are unique, Dr. Lazzaro works tirelessly to create highly customized treatment plans. This approach, coupled with his reputation for surgical excellence, attracts numerous plastic surgery patients every year.

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